7. Equipment Detail View
The equipment detail view shows the relevant information for a single piece of equipment, which is at the lowest level of the company tree hierarchy.

Figure 7.1 – Equipment Detail View
7.1 General Equipment Information
In the top left there is information that includes the equipment name, the ID of the LCM2M device on the equipment, and whether or not there are any tags being associated with the data currently being collected.

Figure 7.1.1 – Equipment and Device Information
- Equipment Name
- Status
- Attached LCM2M Device ID
- Connection Status Button
- Active Tag Listing
Clicking on the connection status button shows a thin bar just above the status barcode chart. The bar is green for time periods when the device is connected, and amber if the device has lost connection because of a loss of power or network connection.

Figure 7.1.2 – Connection Status Bar
When the device attached to a piece of equipment is offline, an amber lightning bolt icon will appear to the right side of the device ID as well.
7.2 Last Cycle Information
The top middle of the view shows information from the last cycle that was recorded for the current piece of equipment. This information includes when the last cycle occurred, what the last cycle time was, and the last temperature recorded, assuming there was a thermocouple hooked to the device. The final item in this list is the number of cycles that have occurred within the timespan defined by the time filter.

Figure 7.2.1 – Last Cycle Information
7.3 Utilization Information
The top right of the interface holds information about the current utilization of the equipment. The information that is displayed here is influenced by the time filter setting.

Figure 7.3.1 – Utilization Information
The current overall utilization is shown on top, and just below that is a breakdown of how that value was calculated. On the left side of the slash is a XX.XXh value representing the number of hours the equipment has run. On the right side is a XX.XXh value (green) representing the number of hours that was scheduled for the equipment. The run hours divided by the scheduled hours times 100 (run / scheduled * 100) yields the utilization value. At the bottom of the area is a bar that graphically represents the utilization percentage.
7.4 Barcode Chart
The barcode chart is so named by the way it can resemble a product barcode when looking at longer time spans. The color coding in the barcode chart is consistent with the status colors throughout the web interface. Red means the equipment was down and green means that it was running. Putting your mouse cursor over a section in the barcode chart will display relevant information such as what the status was, when the status started, when it ended, and how long the duration was.

Figure 7.4.1 – Barcode Chart
7.5 Utilization Detail Chart
Directly below the barcode chart is the utilization detail chart. This chart breaks the components of the utilization calculation down into smaller time spans, and shows how many cycles occurred in each span.

Figure 7.5.1 – Utilization Detail Chart
The orange bars represent the amount of time the equipment actually ran during the given time span, one bar per span. The green line represents the time that the piece of equipment was scheduled to run. During breaks and on days when production is shut down, this line should drop down to 0. The purple line represents how many cycles occurred in each time span. Hovering over one of the bars with your mouse cursor will give you a popup specifying the data for that span.
7.6 Cycle Data Charts
At the bottom of the equipment detail view are cycle data charts. The number of charts in this area varies depending on the number of cycle data tags being collected by a device, but include cycle time and temperature charts at the very least. The data in these charts is influenced by the time filter setting.

Figure 7.6.1 – Cycle Data Charts
Above the charts to the right are averages for the cycle time and thermocouple (temperature) values being recorded on the equipment. If other data tags are being collected for the equipment (i.e. from the analog input), the average for that tag will be shown here as well.
Above the charts and to the left are scale settings for the y axis on each chart, as well as a checkbox to combine the charts. Whether or not to combine the charts is usually a matter of personal preference, but may make it easier to correlate data trends. The data itself does not change when the charts are combined as it does with the time filters, just the y-axis scale (discussed next).
There are several settings for the y-axis scaling, including None for no scaling, and the default is 3. The scaling is based on the standard deviation. The standard deviation and the mean are calculated based on all of the data in the chart, and then the scaling is set at the mean +/- scaling * standard deviation. This creates a window around the mean, and no data points outside that window will be displayed. Note that this setting only changes the y-axis chart scaling, and not the averages above the charts.