8. Reports

Reports are designed to provide actionable data for production meetings, initiatives and analysis. There are three reports available currently, and more may be added in the future.

8.1 Excessive Downtime Report

The Excessive downtime report shows each instance where a piece of equipment was down for longer than expected. These entries include the start and end times when the event occurred, and provides a duration for how long the downtime event was.

Excessive downtime report overview

Figure 8.1.1 – Excessive Downtime Report

In addition, the report allows users to set why the machine was down for that long. The possible reasons are as follows.

  • Man (i.e. there was no operator)
  • Machine (i.e. the equipment was in need of repair)
  • Method (i.e. an operator cannot keep a piece of equipment running due to not having the proper tools)
  • Material (i.e. no material was available to run the part)
  • Schedule (i.e. the equipment was not scheduled to run, or was scheduled incorrectly)
  • Prev. Maintenance (preventative maintenance was being done on the equipment)

Once a reason is set in the drop down box, the downtime entry in the report will disappear.

Excessive downtime report reason dropdown

Figure 8.1.2 – Downtime Reason Drop Down

Downtime entries that have already had a reason assigned can be shown again by checking the Show previously marked checkbox. If no additional entries appear after setting the checkbox, it may be that there have not been any entries that have had their reason set yet based on the time filter you have set.

Excessive downtime report show previously marked checkbox

Figure 8.1.3 – Excessive Downtime Report Show Previously Marked Checkbox

As downtime reasons are set in the report, the bar chart at the top of the report will begin to populate. There are two bars for each reason. The purple, left-most bar is the number of occurrences of the reason. The green line is the number of total hours the equipment was down for that reason. This chart can be hidden at any time by un-checking the Show chart checkbox.

Excessive downtime report chart

Figure 8.1.4 – Excessive Downtime Report Chart

The Configuration section explains how to define the excessive downtime threshold on a piece of equipment so that this report is meaningful for your organization.

8.2 Summary Report

The Summary Report option is only available above the equipment level in the company tree hierarchy, and reports on data from the current level down to the bottom of the company tree. The sections of the Summary Report are outlined below. Utilization color coding follows the pattern outlined in the Overall Utilization section.

Summary Report

Figure 8.2.1 – Summary Report

  1. Takes the utilization metrics from all equipment below the current level in the company tree, and combines them into one value.
    Below the overall percentage value is an indicator showing the hours run versus the hours scheduled.
  2. Shows a breakdown of each group (department, facility, etc) directly below the current level in the company tree.
    This makes it easy to determine how departments and facilities are performing compared to each other.
  3. Equipment Exceptions: When the No recent cycles(>=2d) tab is selected, devices on equipment that have not reported in for at least the last 2 days are listed.
    Reasons for this can vary. Equipment can be powered down for maintenance, thus shutting off power to a device, or a device might have a network connection issue.
    This list can be used to help a maintenance department triage devices that need attention.
    When the Underutilized(<80%) tab is selected, pieces of equipment that are showing less than 80% utilization are listed.
  4. Excessive Downtimes: Shows the number of hours associated with excessive downtime in each department/facility below the current level in the company hierarchy.
    The threshold defining what constitutes excessive downtime can be set in the equipment management section of this guide.
    This information can be used to determine which facilities, departments, workcells, etc to focus on, but is very dependent on the type of equipment in a facility.
    For instance, a CNC machine shop will typically have a smaller number of excessive downtimes than a molding operation that involves several manual steps by an operator.
    Therefore, groups of equipment cannot always be directly compared. Hovering your mouse cursor over each bar in this chart will show a tool tip with the hour values.
  5. Downtime Reasons: Pie chart showing the distribution of reasons why equipment was down. This chart depends on information provided by users in the Excessive Downtime report.

A legend is provided on the right, showing the reasons that users are allowed to enter. Hovering your mouse cursor over each slice in the pie chart will display the number of times that a reason was selected as being the cause of the excessive downtime.

8.3 Raw Cycle Data

The raw cycle data report is only available when at the equipment (lowest) level in the company hierarchy.

Raw cycle data report

Figure 8.3.1 – Raw Cycle Data Report

The table includes individual cycle information including when the cycle occurred, what the cycle time was, what the temperature (measured via thermocouple) was and what tags (if any) are associated with the cycle. The data in this table is set based on the time filters. There is also an Export button that allows the data from the table to be downloaded for further analysis in applications such as Excel and Minitab. When the Export button is clicked, two new buttons will appear. The first is JSON, and the second is CSV. If in doubt, choose CSV because it can be directly used with Excel or Minitab. Clicking the CSV or JSON buttons will present you with a save-as or open dialog in your web browser. The file name of the downloaded file is encoded with the start and end timestamps of the data.

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