5. Time Filter

The time filter is visible at every level of the company hierarchy, and controls the time span for the data that is displayed. It allows you to set a span relative to the current time, or to set a time range in the past. These settings determine the data that is displayed in the web interface, such as utilization and cycle data.

Figure 5.1 – Time Filter

The current time filter selection will be highlighted in white. There are two main types of time filters, relative and absolute. A relative time filter is based from the current time. For example, a 1 hour (1h) relative time filter would start at the current time and go back 1 hour into the past. An absolute time filter has a configurable start and end time for any time span in the past. You need to set a start date/time and end date/time for the absolute filter.

All of the filters up to the Custom item are “quick access” filters. The following table explains each of the quick access relative filters.

Filter Setting Meaning
this month From 12:00am on the first day of the current month to within 15 minutes of the current time.
this week From 12:00am on Sunday of the current week to within 15 minutes of the current time.
today From 12:00am today to within 15 minutes of the current time.
3h From the nearest 15 minute increment to 3 hours ago.
12h From the nearest 15 minute increment to 12 hours ago.
1d From the nearest 15 minute increment to 1 day (24 hours) ago.
5d From the nearest 15 minute increment to 5 days ago.
1w From the nearest 15 minute increment to 1 week (7 days) ago.
4w From the nearest 15 minute increment to 4 weeks (1 month) ago.
3m From the nearest 15 minute increment to 3 months ago.

In addition to the quick access filters, there is a Custom drop down that gives more options.

Figure 5.2 – Time Filter Custom Drop Down

Each of the rows (Hours, Days, Weeks, Months) are similar to the quick access filters such as 3h, 1d, 1w and 3m. Each of these rows holds more options for the relative time spans you can set. By clicking the Absolute button at the top of the Custom drop down, you can manually set a start and end time.

Figure 5.3 – Time Filter Absolute Settings

The first date that you click will be set as the start date of the custom absolute time span. Once that date has been selected, the second date that you click on will be the end date for the custom absolute time span. After clicking the end date, clicking the Ok button will cause the web interface to load data for the selected time span. All time filter options will disappear as well. The Custom button will be replaced by an indicator showing the start and end dates selected. By clicking this drop down and selecting a Relative time filter option, you can clear the absolute selection.

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